District 42 Spring Convention 2011

Education Session Speakers

The Education Committee is pleased to introduce the selected educational session speakers who will be providing convention attendees with lively sessions:

     What Everyone Should Know About Leadership                             Terry Tuharsky, ATM       
     The 4 C’s of Leadership Development                                                 Andre Cronje, ACB, ALB (pending) 

     Catch the Wave with Dream Achievers Roadmap                             Kamran Akbarzadeh, ACB ALB

     FREE Club Office Space                                                                           Fred Sawka, ACB, ALB 
                                                                                                                              Area Governor F22

     Realize Your Physical Potential                                                              Victor Lam, CC, CL

     “ ... But Will They Keep Me – The Dawn of Innerpreneurship”       Terry D Kozlyk, DTM
                                                                                                                              Area Governor J46

     Achieving Goals: One Toastmasters Journey                                    Raymond MacIsaac¸ DTM
                                                                                                                              Past District Governor District 64

    How to Rebuild Your Club Using Speechcraft                                    Norman Bacon, ACS, CL

What Everyone Should Know About Leadership

A presentation on how to improve your leadership skills.

Learning Objectives:
1) Find out what makes outstanding Leadership?
2) Find out what stops you from being Inspirational?
3) Find out a Major cause of Leadership and Project failures.

Terry Tuharsky, ATM

Terry Tuharsky is a business consultant and author who lives in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. A former chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Korea, he is also an honorary citizen of the city of Seoul and a former member of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council (FIAC) to the City of Seoul. Terry began his career in 1980 in Regina in the computer outsourcing sector. He has worked in computer consulting, management recruiting and finance consulting. He also has extensive international experience having lived and worked in Korea for 12 years, primarily as a senior consultant in the computer and telecommunications fields.

Mr. Tuharsky received his Masters in Business Administration from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario and his Bachelor of Science degree from Northwest Missouri State University.

From these and other experiences he has written a book which outlines a framework for leadership entitled,
The Leadership Formula: What do fifty year olds know?

The 4 C’s of Leadership Development

Do you think leaders are born or made? Discover the answer as we explore four aspects of leadership every leader should develop to become balanced and influential. 

Learning Objectives:
1) Discover your leadership potential
2) Understand four key aspects of leadership that needs to be developed constantly
3) Learn how to be balanced as a leader

Andre Cronje, ACB, ALB (pending)

Andre is a native from South Africa where he was first introduced to Toastmasters during his college studies in the late 80’s. He later joined a charitable hospital ship based in West Africa where he served for 12 years. While on board Andre and two other alumni Toastmasters charted the Mercy in Africa Toastmasters club. Andre met his Canadian wife on board while in Liberia and relocated to Calgary in early 2009 to start a family.

He currently serves as the VP Education of Silver Springs Toastmasters in Calgary. Having served in various leadership capacities over the last two decades Andre has a keen interest in leadership development.

Catch the Wave with Dream Achievers Roadmap

Have you ever had difficulty in realizing your true dreams? Have you ever wanted to fulfill your life's purpose but could not figure out how? Are you interested in learning a simple yet effective process for achieving what you desire in your life? If your answer to at least one of these questions is yes, then the Dream Achievers Roadmap can help. This roadmap provides you a six-step process through which you can not only achieve your dreams but also fulfill your life's purpose by soaring to excellence and leaving a legacy for generations to come. With dream achievers roadmap you can catch the wave. 

Kamran Akbarzadeh, ACB ALB

Kamran Akbarzadeh is the founder of Dream Achievers Academy and the author of Leadership Soup (to be published in Summer 2011). Kamran has a positive attitude and can-do philosophy. He is always eager to learn new things and share what he learns with others. This is the main reason why he founded Dream Achievers Academy to pursue and fulfill his vision and live his passion for adding value to people around the world by inspiring them to live on purpose and lead on purpose.

Kamran has been a member of Toastmasters for the last 5 years. Toastmasters helped him realize and pursue his dreams and motivated him to write his first book on leadership. Read more about Kamran and what he does at
www.TheLeadershipSoup.com and www.DreamAchieversAcademy.com.

FREE Club Office Space

Bring your club into the 21st century. This session is designed for club members who have a freetoasthost website that is dormant or not being used to its fullest potential.  It is also designed for Toastmasters who do not have a website. 

You will learn the following:
1) How your club can get free virtual office space
2) How to set up that virtual office space
3) Why your club will not make it through the 21st century without using technology
4) Dispel the myth that websites are for techies
5) Advantage of using freetoasthoast.org over other websites
6) Live demonstration of how to set up your freetoasthost website and use it effectively.

Fred Sawka, ACB, ALB  Area Governor F22

Fred Sawka has been a member of the Peter Kossowan Communicators chapter of Toastmasters International since the beginning of September 2008. He is the President, acting VP Of Education and webmaster for the Peter Kossowan Communicators Club. He is also a member of the Wild Rose Advanced Toastmaster Club.

Outside the club, he is President and CEO of a company called (STG) Sawka Tour Guide Inc., a micro-trader and a teacher/tutor for online courses at Grant MacEwan University.

Realize Your Physical Potential

Realize Your Physical Potential is about re-claiming the lost or hidden abilities that you have. 

Learning Objectives:
1) To cultivate greater awareness of the mental and physical body.
2) To acquire techniques on balancing and grounding.

Victor Lam, CC, CL

With three university degrees, Victor has worked in the government sector for almost twenty years. Physical exercises are Victor’s hobby. Besides jogging, scuba diving, and curling, he has taught tai chi for over thirty years and recently added yoga in his teaching. In late seventies, Victor was a charter member of the University Toastmasters’ club at the University of Manitoba and recently returned to Toastmasters in Regina.

“ ... But Will They Keep Me – The Dawn of Innerpreneurship”
Terry  will describe what innerpreneurship is and how is has morphed itself gradually into our current work paradigm. He will show why it is needed and the social benefits, not to mention the undeniable benefits to each innerpreneur’s personal growth, satisfaction and pathway of giving back to society via social responsibility.

Learning Objectives:
1) Encourage attendees, “HOW” to keep themselves visible and thrive in “self-sustaining” revenue.
2) Call on Toastmasters to find their innerpreneurship; to become innerpreneurs in their own right.

Terry D Kozlyk, DTM  Area Governor J46

Reflective, humorous and educational, Terry uses his 30+ years of working in “tumultuous tech” to draw upon examples of what has and still is transpiring in the work economy today. No, it’s not a talk about him. Terry only uses his work history as a catalyst in his observations of how the job economy has morphed into the current work paradigm and what is driving the move toward “innerpreneurship".

Terry Kozlyk is a Toastmaster of 10+ years. Having begun his Toastmastering in Winnipeg’s District 64 with two clubs from 1987 to 1990, he bridged over to the Calgary Toastmaster scene by joining Silver Springs Toastmasters of Division J in 2004. That club remains his home today, forming the base of his second stint as Area Governor; two years ago in Area 45 and currently for Area 46, both in Division J.

What started as his HPL has transformed into “one” of his innerpreneurships –
www.TDKtalksTM.com educational podcast series.

Achieving Goals: One Toastmasters Journey

Ever think your life is going down the wrong path, but the challenges to change are overwhelming?  Ray will tell us his story becoming ½ the man he was (losing over 250 lbs) while leading his District to Distinguished.  

Learning Objectives:
1) How to set realistic goals,
2) How to get the help you need, and
3) Understanding different ways of setting SMART Goals

Raymond MacIsaac¸ DTM  Past District Governor District 64

Ray MacIsaac is well known as a member of the Young Professionals Toastmasters Club in Winnipeg.  This club is known for its good times in a professional environment.  Ray is the Immediate Past District Governor for Manitoba and NW Ontario, where he led his team to Distinguished for two years in a row.

Originally from Gillam, MB, Ray has lived in Brandon, Winnipeg, and Thunder Bay Ontario.  He has been a Toastmaster for eight years, but is often a member of three or four clubs at any time.  He has been a charter member of eight clubs.

Ray recently underwent a physical transformation, so those of you who have met him before may not recognize him.  Come and hear how he did it and what he learned on the journey.

How to Rebuild Your Club Using Speechcraft

Norman will show to plan, market and execute a Toastmasters Speechcraft program.  Speechcraft is an excellent program for any Toastmasters club to deliver, but it is especially valuable to struggling clubs with declining membership.  A properly designed and marketed Speechcraft program will almost instantly increase the profile of your club in your community.  Speechcraft will also dramatically increase the attendance at your club meetings if you hold your Speechcraft meetings concurrently with your regular club meetings.

Norman Bacon, ACS CL

Norman Bacon has been a Toastmaster for six years, during which he has held almost all executive positions in his Club.  He served as an Area Governor in 2009-10.  Norman observed successful Speechcrafts held by other Toastmasters Clubs and brought Speechcraft to his home club in 2010.  The results were spectacular -- raising awareness of the club in the club's target market of Federal Civil Servants, and adding eight new members to the club almost instantly. 

Previously, Norman led a team that created the Stage Set speech-drafting template to assist new and struggling speech drafters to quickly outline a speech.  Norman spoke about Stage Set at various club meetings, District Conventions, and even the Region IV Convention in Rapid City, South Dakota in June 2008.