District 42 Spring Convention 2011
“ ... But Will They Keep Me – The Dawn of Innerpreneurship”
Terry  will describe what innerpreneurship is and how is has morphed itself gradually into our current work paradigm. He will show why it is needed and the social benefits, not to mention the undeniable benefits to each innerpreneur’s personal growth, satisfaction and pathway of giving back to society via social responsibility.

Learning Objectives:
1) Encourage attendees, “HOW” to keep themselves visible and thrive in “self-sustaining” revenue.
2) Call on Toastmasters to find their innerpreneurship; to become innerpreneurs in their own right.

Terry D Kozlyk, DTM 
Area Governor J46

Reflective, humorous and educational, Terry uses his 30+ years of working in “tumultuous tech” to draw upon examples of what has and still is transpiring in the work economy today. No, it’s not a talk about him. Terry only uses his work history as a catalyst in his observations of how the job economy has morphed into the current work paradigm and what is driving the move toward “innerpreneurship".

Terry Kozlyk is a Toastmaster of 10+ years. Having begun his Toastmastering in Winnipeg’s District 64 with two clubs from 1987 to 1990, he bridged over to the Calgary Toastmaster scene by joining Silver Springs Toastmasters of Division J in 2004. That club remains his home today, forming the base of his second stint as Area Governor; two years ago in Area 45 and currently for Area 46, both in Division J.

What started as his HPL has transformed into “one” of his innerpreneurships –
www.TDKtalksTM.com educational podcast series.