District 42 Spring Convention 2011
The 4 C’s of Leadership Development

Do you think leaders are born or made? Discover the answer as we explore four aspects of leadership every leader should develop to become balanced and influential. 

Learning Objectives:
1) Discover your leadership potential
2) Understand four key aspects of leadership that needs to be developed constantly
3) Learn how to be balanced as a leader

Andre Cronje, ACB, ALB (pending)

Andre is a native from South Africa where he was first introduced to Toastmasters during his college studies in the late 80’s. He later joined a charitable hospital ship based in West Africa where he served for 12 years. While on board Andre and two other alumni Toastmasters charted the Mercy in Africa Toastmasters club. Andre met his Canadian wife on board while in Liberia and relocated to Calgary in early 2009 to start a family.

He currently serves as the VP Education of Silver Springs Toastmasters in Calgary. Having served in various leadership capacities over the last two decades Andre has a keen interest in leadership development.