District 42 Spring Convention 2011
FREE Club Office Space

Bring your club into the 21st century. This session is designed for club members who have a freetoasthost website that is dormant or not being used to its fullest potential.  It is also designed for Toastmasters who do not have a website. 

You will learn the following:
1) How your club can get free virtual office space
2) How to set up that virtual office space
3) Why your club will not make it through the 21st century without using technology
4) Dispel the myth that websites are for techies
5) Advantage of using freetoasthoast.org over other websites
6) Live demonstration of how to set up your freetoasthost website and use it effectively.

Fred Sawka, ACB, ALB  Area Governor F22

Fred Sawka has been a member of the Peter Kossowan Communicators chapter of Toastmasters International since the beginning of September 2008. He is the President, acting VP Of Education and webmaster for the Peter Kossowan Communicators Club. He is also a member of the Wild Rose Advanced Toastmaster Club.

Outside the club, he is President and CEO of a company called (STG) Sawka Tour Guide Inc., a micro-trader and a teacher/tutor for online courses at Grant MacEwan University.