District 42 Spring Convention 2011
Wild Oats Toastmasters is excited to announce the results of our Convention Contest.

For the past several months, our members have tracked their participation in regular meeting activities. Points were allocated for meeting roles and accomplishments.   First prize was a FULL CONVENTION REGISTRATION awarded to a first time convention attendee with most points - congratulations to Jeannette Caldwell for her efforts. Second and third prizes each were the winner's choice of attendance at an educational event - Saturday breakfast & keynote, Saturday educational sessions, Saturday leadership luncheon or either of the 2 contests.  Donna Skene and Scott Phillps were our winners - congratulations!! Fourth prize was a certificate to attend the International Speech contest on Saturday afternoon. Wild Oats won this certificate at TLI in January.  Catherine Secundiak was winner of this - congratulations!!

All of our club members put forward tremendous effort into this contest. It was tremendous fun and fostered both camaraderie and competition. I'm sure that we'll be doing something similar in the future - and we encourage other clubs to consider it for their plans.  

Respectfully submitted,  

Connie Paus, DTM
President, Wild Oats # 2849

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