District 42 Spring Convention 2011
Catch the Wave  

Anita Schmidt, CTM, CL
District 42 Spring Convention 2011
Promotions Chair
The busiest shopping day of the year just past. I can attest it was very busy. There are only five shopping days left before Christmas. Also, there are only 130 days left before Spring Convention!

Time has a tendency to creep up on us.  I'm anticipating that in the beginning of the New Year you will be seeing a lot more details on the convention.  Everyone will have had time with family and friends over the holiday season.  They will be ready jump in to Catch the Wave  .  

We appreaciate your visiting our site and look forward to sharing more detailed information in early January.  Please check back every once in and awhile.  We''ll be providing convention information as soon as it becomes available.

Eloise Blackstock ACS, CL
Spring 2011 Webmaster
My home club in Regina (Communicators, Club 1241 of Division B) met this past week for our holiday potluck.  Great food, lots of deserts, and plenty of laughs.  We also made the decision to buy a Knee High Full Registration package to the District 42 Spring Convention 2011.  We'll share this package amongst our members.   We had heard sharing a package amongst club members was a great way to give busy local Toastmasters another way to experience the fantastic events planned.

Now we have to make the decision of who goes to what function.

I'm lucky because I get to go to all the events. I'm already registered!

Eloise Blackstock ACS CL
Communicator Toastmasters Club 1241
Regina, SK
Have you been watching for new blog posts? 

Since we started blogging, I've been checking the website more often. I'm so happy that our webmaster Eloise was able to add the RSS feed.

Shannon Vinter, ATMB, CL
Spring Convention Co-chair
"Catch Your Second Wind" in 2010-2011

District 42 web site www.d42.org
Toastmasters International Web Site   www.toastmasters.org 

Register for the Spring Convention April 29 - May 1 in Regina, SK!

The holiday season is upon us.  With all the hustle and bustle in the weeks ahead you don't want to miss the deadline for "Knee High Pricing" for the Spring Convention.  It is just weeks away.  Register prior to December 31 and enjoy the full conference package for $205 ($200 if you're paying by cheque - you can save an extra $5).  

After you've filled out your registration and sent it off, pick up the phone and call the Regina Inn to reserve your hotel room.  You'll get in on the low room rates (up to Dec. 31st) and be ensured of a place sleep (hotel space is limited). 

The activities on Friday evening are unique and NOT your typical Easter Egg Hunt.  The Bloodhound Games promise to be a fun, challenging and interactive event and there are PRIZES for the winning teams.  However, there is a limit of 100 participants so don't forget to check off "Friday Night Scavenger Hunt Activity" on the registration form.  If you would like further information about Bloodhound Games, check out the website at www.bloodhoundgames.com.

Call for Volunteers:  volunteers will be needed for the various venues at the conference and leading up to the conference.  To volunteer your services, please send an email to   [email protected] and indicate VOLUNTEER in the subject line.

Marge Osicki/Faye Andrusiak
Registration Committee  
Dear Santa,
 All want for Christmas is a new surf board.  I hear there is a big wave coming to Regina.

 I have been a good boy!


I hear he is making a list and checking it twice to see who has been naughty or nice. Make sure you have made our naughty or nice list.  Sign up today and Catch the Wave . 

Tim Hubick DTM
Spring convention co-chair 2011
Immediate Past District 42 Governor 2010-2011
 "Catch Your Second Wind"
District 42 web site
Toastmaster International Web Site www.members.toastmasters.org
[email protected]

Register for Catch the Wave Regina Sask April 29 May 1
Only 22 weeks left till the Spring Convention.  I have learned lots about performing the webmaster role already.  I expect there is a lot more to come, in the learning department.  How did you get to the website?  Via d42.org? Or did you Google us?

 I’ll be signing off for now as other members of the convention committee share their thoughts and experiences in upcoming blog postings.

Eloise Blackstock ACS CL
Convention Webmaster
Just registered for the convention.  I wanted to take advantage of the Knee High $205 price(or $200 if I pay by cheque and not credit card). 

This will be my second convention I have attended.  Yes, I am just shy of being a ‘First Timer’ to the convention experience.  What I remember about the first convention was how impressed I was with the International Speech contestants. The high caliber of speakers was amazing.  It made me want to rush back to my club and get better.  It made me want to try some of the techniques that were so smoothly used by the contestants.  

Eloise Blackstock ACS CL
Convention Webmaster

Co-chair, Shannon Vinter, led her convention committee members through a great planning meeting on November 27.  She's gonna be a great team gatherer.  Our other co-chair, Tim Hubick, sent his regrets as he was off doing his real job stuff(work definitely gets in the way of fun sometimes).

 As webmaster, I am excited to be part of the group that will deliver an excellent convention experience to our Toastmaster members.  There is so much happening we anticipate a very busy 23 weeks ahead of us.

 Check back often to see other updates and experience sharing from the committee members.  Clubs wanting to post an item on our blog are welcome to send something our way at [email protected].  We'll make sure your item gets posted as quick as possible.

Lastly, every week there will be a survey question posted on the home page just waiting for your opinion.  Please come back often to see what new question is being posed and to see what new convention information has been posted.

Eloise Blackstock
Convention Webmaster